Resolving Substance Abuse (E-Handbook Available)


Resolving Substance Abuse (E-Handbook Available)


“I used the TARA Approach protocols for addictions for someone who had not even voiced a desire to stop smoking. Two days later he quit and to this day remains smoke free. I am in awe!” - Virginia Davis, RN

(Scroll down for e-handbook)

Stephanie Mines co-authored this index and guide to freeing oneself of addictions with TARA student Jeffrey Najarian, LMT. Jeffrey struggled for many years with addictions and freed himself of them with the TARA Approach. This collaboration is an authentic guide to using energy medicine and consciousness to cease using any addictive substance. It can also be applied to thought addictions and compulsive behavioral patterns. The protocols can be implemented by students at any level, including beginners, as long as they have a Map of the Sacred Sites to reference.

NOTE: To most effectively use this handbook, the TARA Approach to Self-Care manual is necessary. You can purchase that handbook from this store.

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