The Original Brilliance CD Series


The Original Brilliance CD Series


“The TARA Approach supports the entire Central and Autonomic Nervous Systems to self-regulate. This process is such a gift. I am filled with gratitude and appreciation.” - Pam Yenawine, Certified Cranial Sacral Therapist-Diplomate (CST-D), Pre and Perinatal Educator (PPNE)

Nervous system balance is established during prenatal life. Our formative experiences and relationships shape our capacities to respond appropriately to threat and to stress. Adults must learn to communicate with prenates and young children to promote attachment and bonding so that humanity can evolve. This is the secret to sustaining intelligence and cultural evolution in a way that protects the Earth and all that is of value. These three CD’s gently impart the science and the skill to speak to children as they develop in a language that stimulates healthy nervous system evolution. As you absorb this wisdom you become a steward for humanity.

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