The Redisovery Journey™ taught by Dr. Stephanie Mines
10am-5pm, Saturday January 14th & Sunday January 15th, 2023.
New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand.
Sliding scale: $300-700
Since originally developed by Stephanie, the Rediscovery Journey™ has evolved to become one of the most sought-after aspects of the TARA Approach. This simple, accessible and yet profound template for accessing and re-storying early memory is life-changing. In this program you have the opportunity to:
*Learn about the embryological underpinnings and attachment milestones that inform the Rediscovery Journey™;
*Discover how prenatal double-binds, like cord entanglement or toxic exposures, can be unraveled at last;
*Experience the malleability of the Rediscovery structure in demonstrations that allow interactive commentary and inquiry;
*Awaken your own intuition and spirit of inquiry;
*Refine the language delivery that makes it inevitable for each Rediscovery to be revelatory; and
Includes texts, charts, diagrams, and other supportive materials.
To secure your place in a workshop, register by emailing Peter Heard ( ) and make a 50% deposit on your course fee.