TARA Self-Care in Taranaki, New Zealand — (IN PERSON)
Saturday April 23th & Sunday April 24th
10AM - 4:30PM
Time Converter Here
Registration: email Peter Heard – tara.in.taranaki@gmail.com
“Through embracing the TARA Approach as a healing approach for my own trauma and shock, I have travelled beyond a lifetime of compensations, anxiety and depression, landing much more deeply in my Self. When my past trauma or current circumstances become challenging, the solution lies in my hands and never leave me. The medicine bag of TARA awaits me in my fingertips and in my consciousness. TARA continues to serve me beyond the reach of other modalities I have studied, and continues to affirm my ability to awaken my healing and my resources for thriving. How could I not share such a treasure?”
The TARA Approach is unique in its ability to shift entrenched shock and promote the resolution of traumatic experiences. TARA is a blend of ancient Eastern and modern Western medicine. TARA awakens and enlivens innate healing potential and shows you how to do this for yourself throughout your lifetime. We have the capacity to awaken resilience regardless of what has burdened you. The TARA Approach accompanies you on a gentle and personally relevant journey Beyond Trauma, to your Original Brilliance and the purpose for which you were born.
During the Self-Care weekend you learn:
How to differentiate Shock from Trauma;
How to treat yourself using Jin Shin TARA, ancient hands-on practices that communicate directly to your nervous system through the Extraordinary Circuits or Rivers of Splendour.
The practices you learn can be shared safely in service to family and friends, including protocols for children and animals.
This course stands on its own to orient you to a lifetime of Self-Care. It is also the FIRST in the TARA Foundations Series. This course therefore enables you to continue to subsequent levels, deepening your wise use of this profound system. It introduces you to your body’s marvellous ability to re-member health. Regenerative hands-on applications awaken nervous system and whole-being balance. They ignite the resilience that strengthens and builds as it is shared in community.
This course is for anyone seeking to optimize innate potential, including grand/parents, therapists, bodyworkers, healthcare practitioners, caregivers and all wounded healers. During these times of accelerating stress, the TARA Approach is your friend in finding secure, reliable self-regulation, regeneration and resilience.
Follow your body’s wisdom to:
Recharge and recover from burnout;
Firm up boundaries and sense of purpose;
Re-balance your nervous system toward greater resilience;
Assimilate difficult emotions and open to greater joy and creative expression; and
Embody vitality, confidence, courage, and clarity in appropriate action.
The course runs from 10AM - 4:30PM on Saturday April 23 and Sunday April 24. This is an IN-PERSON COURSE in New Zealand.
Tuition is charged on a sliding scale, $50-450 NZD, which includes Self-Care Manual, chats, and handouts.You choose the amount on the scale that suits your circumstances. In this way those who have less money can still attend, and those who have excess money can share the gifts The TARA Approach has to offer!
For registration, please contact Peter directly at tara.in.taranaki@gmail.com or call 027 4313 544 in New Zealand. More info on this course, 1:1 treatments and other opportunities to experience the TARA Approach with Certified TARA Teacher Peter Heard can be found on Instagram and Facebook by searching for “Somatic Trauma Resolution”