This advanced training has two components. The first focuses on how the nervous system can be vitalized and regenerated no matter what its biography. In this course those who are interested in being Sustainable Healthcare Practitioners, leaders in a climate changing world, buttress their nervous system resilience and enhance it exponentially so that the echoes of historical trauma become extremely faint. Participants have the opportunity to truly step into their capacity as healthcare leaders ready to empower others to do the same. Of necessity, this involves ending habituation. This leads to Part Two of this course: ending addiction. You read that correctly. COMPLETELY ending addiction. This component includes not only energy medicine but also another palpation process that has to do with cranial treatment. Subtle, nuanced and completely safe cranial applications uncouple habituated and consolidated neuronal pathways to liberate optimum resilience. The nervous system comes home to a spontaneous and liberated body. Healing trauma is thus the path to freedom. Students receive a guidebook for cranial treatment as well as charts, maps and handouts.
Course tuition is entirely non-refundable but can be transferred to another similar program within one year.