Somatic listening is an art you can learn. Health is efficiently restored when the body's messages are heard and understood. By reading the pulses of the Five Elements and evaluating cranial structures and rhythms you can identify core issues and from this identification know what interventions to use. The TARA Approach is returning to Norway August 11-13, 2018 to impart this art.
TARA Approach Certified Teacher and Advanced Practitioner Runa Helmersen has established the TARA Method in Norway. She has been preparing her students for this advanced course for over a year. You can join them in the exquisite Norwegian town of Friedrichstadt and share the magic of Norden Lys, the Northern Light, which is also the name of the lovely clinic in this historic village where the course will be held.
Advanced TARA practitioners see through the veil of symptoms and pierce to the essence of need. The tools in this course enhance this skillfulness alongside another TARA hallmark tool: attuned mirroring in language.
Learn how to read somatic advertisements of need and answer them efficiently. Be more than a healer or healthcare practitioner. Become a mentor by embodying the art of somatic listening.
Tuition: $450USD*
*This price does not include lodging, meals, lodging or transportation. Lodging can be arranged at a nearby hotel (Gamlebyen hotel, is one suggestion). Food can be bought nearby and stored in the refrigerator at the center. Several small restaurants and cafes are in walking distance from the center.
Directions from abroad: Train or bus from Gardermoen airport/Oslo. Please contact for more information.