The TARA Approach, created by Dr. Stephanie Mines, is taught in hospitals, universities, social service agencies, domestic violence shelters, at midwifery schools, and wherever there is a need and an organizational structure to support its delivery. The TARA Approach is a sustainable healthcare model based on the unity of mind and body. It is organized around promoting authentic nervous system health and resilience through the resolution of trauma, shock and any other obstacles to optimal development. It includes subtle touch that promotes holistic health and cellular memory. The TARA Approach views human health as a continuum. Early history, during prenatal unfolding, is seen as the blueprint for each individual’s health. When precursors to later difficulties are repatterned, human evolution continues on its limitless path.
A center in Hawaii is TARA’s newest home. Small groups meet there as well as in various locations around the world for highly personalized mentorship and study with Dr. Mines. TARA Approach programs are currently ongoing in California, Hawaii, Illinois, Ireland, Kentucky, Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Scandinavia, Scotland, South Carolina, Tennessee, The Netherlands, Washington, and New Zealand and are rapidly spreading throughout the US and abroad.
Dr. Stephanie Mines
The TARA Approach is a Healing System With Four Key Attributes
It differentiates shock from trauma.
It is self-care and empowerment based. Its purpose is to allow everyone to be in the center of his or her own healing process.
It advocates and teaches the use of subtle touch in combination with an attuned delivery of language as the most effective treatment of shock and trauma.
The TARA Approach can be adapted to serve virtually any population. Dr. Mines has focused her research, writing and service thus far on: Survivors of shock and trauma; Pre and Perinatal Psychology and the prevention of birth shock; Chronic health conditions; Neurodiversity; and the children and families of war.
How is Shock Different From Trauma?
Shock is the most severe form of trauma. It occurs when resources are non-existent, insufficient, or impossible to access.
Shock is more debilitating than trauma.
When shock that is stored in the body is activated, all unresolved shocks are simultaneously activated. This activation occurs at unconscious levels that are neither logical nor consistent. Trauma, on the other hand, is activated thematically. In other words, one can feel odd, nervous, impulsive, ill, uncomfortable or any other sensation, and not know that this is the result of shock activation. When trauma is activated, there are patterns that are understandable.
The physiological responses to shock are long term. Chronic conditions represent an adaptation to shock. For this reason the resolution of shock is dependent on resourcing. Prenatal shock is tenacious in its impact because it represents formative, non-cognitive experience.
The TARA Approach is unique in providing interventions specifically adapted for the resolution of shock.
You are invited to view the video below to learn more about the TARA Approach:
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Dr. Stephanie Mines is the author of five books that reflect over three decades of research as a neuroscientist. She has investigated shock and trauma as a survivor, a professional, a clinical researcher, and healthcare provider. Her nonprofit The TARA Approach is instrumental in the systemic change she promotes as a Regenerative Health paradigm.
Dr. Mines also developed Climate Change & Consciousness to facilitate inner transformation for grounded climate action. Climate Change & Consciousness serves an international and intergenerational community of visionary activists.
In addition, Dr. Mines is an award-winning poet. Her poetry has been published in anthologies and in chapbooks.
Dr. Mines’ latest book, The Secret of Resilience: Healing Personal and Planetary Trauma Through Morphogenesis, will be released in 2023 from Inner Traditions/Sacred Planet Books.