“Thank you, Dr. Mines, for your brave and steadfast leadership. Your light shone through the darkest cracks, guiding me when I needed it most.” ~ Dr. Kristy King, MD

“What Stephanie Mines offers is beyond healing. It is more like enlightenment.” ~ Chlore Waretini, Trauma Therapist

 “Stephanie Mines shares a unique system called the TARA Approach that liberates Original Brilliance. It is a way to vitalize our radiance and let it shine in the world.” ~ Ellen Dee Davidson, Author of Forest Bathing in Ancient Redwoods

“Stephanie Mines demonstrates and transmits, personally and directly, what it means to be a great human being.”  ~ Anne Bonner, Founder of Freedom Yoga 

“The research and writings of Dr. Stephanie Mines are exemplary of being and becoming trauma-informed, trauma-sensitive, and culturally responsive.” ~ Mary Spalding, MFA, Waldorf Educator 

"The TARA Approach is to me the missing link between the physical, the psychological and the spiritual dimensions of the body. The tools work as effectively on me as they do on my clients." ~ Runa Helmersen, Psychomotor Therapist and TARA Approach Self-Care Teacher, Norway

“When I use the TARA Approach with babies, they become more present,calm and aware of their surroundings. I am in awe of this simple gesture that has such a profound effect.” ~ Kathi Myers, RN

"The  ideas  of  the  TARA  Approach  are  accessible.  The  biochemistry  is relevant, authoritative, up-to-date, and presented as a fascinating account of nature’s handiwork. The techniques are easily applied and are effective.As one who has worked in the field of energy medicine for over 25 years, this is my most important assurance to you.” ~ Donna Eden, Author of Energy Medicine

“Stephanie  Mines  draws  from an  extensive  knowledge  base  of  energy medicine  and  energy  psychology.  In  particular,  she  focuses  on  giving people simple and effective tools that they can use preventatively in a multitude of potentially traumatic situations including, but not limited to, invasive medical procedures, automobile accidents, assaults, rapes, and the stresses of birth.” ~ Peter Levine, Ph.D., Author of Waking the Tiger

“Stephanie Mines, moves through the complex territory of healing with refreshing grace, candor and immense wisdom.” ~ Pat Ogden, Ph.D., Founder of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, Author of Trauma and the Body

“The TARA Approach is a masterful design for regeneration and profound healing. In a world of constant debilitating shock, Stephanie Mines offers skillful means to resolve personal and collective wounding in ways that illuminate as well as heal.” ~ Jean Houston, Ph.D.

This work you are offering is validating the human experience in a way that all of my schooling and all of therapy did not touch.” ~ Sheila Norquay